Kegiatan Publikasi

Evaluation of Moving Object Detection Methods based on General Purpose Single Board Computer

Evaluation of Moving Object Detection Methods based on General Purpose Single Board Computer   Author : AGUNG NUGROHO JATI; LEDYA NOVAMIZANTI; MIRSA BAYU PRASETYO; Andy Ruhendy Putra Published on : Telkomnika Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering   Abstract RGA and SKDA are two different methods which can be used to detect the object in image […]


Bandwidth Improvement of Square Patch Array-based AMC Using Multiple Slots Technique

Bandwidth Improvement of Square Patch Array-based AMC Using Multiple Slots Technique   Author : LEVY OLIVIA NUR Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract “An investigation of bandwidth improvement for artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) structure based on square patch array by using multiple slots technique is presented. The technique is proposed in overcoming the nature […]


The Detection of straight and Slant Wood Fiber Through slop angle fiber feature

The Detection of straight and Slant Wood Fiber Through slop angle fiber feature   Author : RATRI DWI ATMAJA; ERWIN SUSANTO; JUNARTHO HALOMOAN; gurnita koncara indraloka; muhammad ary murti Published on : TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol 14 No 2   Abstract Quality control is one of important process that can not be […]


The Effect of Financial Incentives on Funding Account Officer

The Effect of Financial Incentives on Funding Account Officer   Author : ASTADI PANGARSO; FRANSISKA PUTRI WULANSARI; CUT IRNA SETIAWATI Published on : The 7th IICIES 2015   Abstract This study aims to determine how the effect of financial incentives on performance. The background is a performance unit Funding Account Officer (Savings) who have not […]


Konflik Kerja Keluarga Pada Pengemudi Travel Antar Kota PT. XYZ, Bandung

Konflik Kerja Keluarga Pada Pengemudi Travel Antar Kota PT. XYZ, Bandung   Author : ASTADI PANGARSO; ARIF PARTONO PRASETIO Published on : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Bisnis   Abstract Konflik keluarga kerja menjadi salah satu yang menarik untuk kajian sumber daya manusia. Terdapat hubungan yang unik antara pekerjaan dan keluarga. Dalam perubahan lingkungan yang cepat berubah […]


Pengaruh Gita Gutawa Sebagai Brand Ambassador Pond???s Dalam Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswi Universitas Telkom Jurusan D3 Manajemen Pemasaran)

Pengaruh Gita Gutawa Sebagai Brand Ambassador Pond???s Dalam Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswi Universitas Telkom Jurusan D3 Manajemen Pemasaran)   Author : RENNYTA YUSIANA; RIFAATUL MAULIDA Published on : Jurnal Ecodemica Universitas BSI   Abstract “Promosi merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting dalam sebuah pemasaran. Para konsumen saat ini melihat sebuah video atau […]


The Designing of Measurement Instrument for Information Technology Risk Assessment as a Risk Management Strategy Recommendation at SBUPE Bandung

The Designing of Measurement Instrument for Information Technology Risk Assessment as a Risk Management Strategy Recommendation at SBUPE Bandung   Author : YUDI PRIYADI Published on : International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)   Abstract “Portal Express Strategic Business Unit, furthermore called SBUPE. In carry out its services, SBUPE is using Barcode at tracing […]



DASHBOARD OPERASIONAL UNTUK MEMANTAU PERFORMA JARINGAN SPEEDY MENURUT PENGUKURAN NETWORK ANALYSIS   Author : RACHMADITA ANDRESWARI; RULLY AGUS HENDRAWAN; RADITYO PRASETIANTO WIBOWO Published on : Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi   Abstract “Sebagai salah satu penyedia jasa layanan internet, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia melalui salah satu divisinya, yaitu Divisi Access (DIVA) menginginkan pelayanan proaktif pada pelanggannya. Dengan […]


Business Process Modeling of Lecturing Application using Heuristic Miner Algorithm

Business Process Modeling of Lecturing Application using Heuristic Miner Algorithm   Author : RACHMADITA ANDRESWARI; AULIA FASHANAH HADINING; ATYA NUR AISHA Published on : Asia-Pasific Conference of Business Process Management 2015   Abstract “Every business process requires an interpretation that gives an overview of the business processes in general. In i-gracias information systems in Telkom […]


Correction Of Radiation Pattern Measurement In Non-Anechoic Chamber At Frequency Range Of 2 To 3 Ghz Using FFT-Based Method

Correction Of Radiation Pattern Measurement In Non-Anechoic Chamber At Frequency Range Of 2 To 3 Ghz Using FFT-Based Method   Author : META HERAWATI HALIEM; HEROE WIJANTO; BAMBANG SETIA NUGROHO Published on : The 14th International Conference on Quality in Research 2015   Abstract In this paper, we present a study to correct the results […]

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