Kegiatan Publikasi

Types of Online Viral Marketing in Book Industry

Types of Online Viral Marketing in Book Industry   Author : MAHIR PRADANA Published on : International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064   Abstract Companies need to engage communities into their marketing activities. Community marketing is a strategy to engage an audience in an active, non-intrusive prospect and customer conversation that […]


Knowledge Management System with Geographic Information System Use 5C4C Method in Telkom University Marketing Division

Knowledge Management System with Geographic Information System Use 5C4C Method in Telkom University Marketing Division   Author : ANGGA HIDAYAH RAMADHAN; LUCIANA ANDRAWINA; MUHAMMAD AZANI HASIBUAN Published on : International Conference on Knowledge Management   Abstract This paper present Knowledge management system with geographic information system use 5C4C on Telkom University Marketing Division. This system […]


Perbandingan Skema Dekomposisi Paket Wavelet Untuk Pengenalan Sinyal EKG

Perbandingan Skema Dekomposisi Paket Wavelet Untuk Pengenalan Sinyal EKG   Author : ACHMAD RIZAL Published on : Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, UGM   Abstract One indicator of a person’s health is a signal pattern electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG signals were generated by the heart’s electrical activity. ECG signal pattern recognized by physicians to […]


Comparative Analysis of Routing Protocol on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with Gradient Based Approach and Geographic Based Approach Method

Comparative Analysis of Routing Protocol on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with Gradient Based Approach and Geographic Based Approach Method   Author : MIFTAHUL KHAIRAT SUKMA; INDRARINI DYAH IRAWATI; HAFIDUDIN Published on : International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA) 2015   Abstract “Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a wireless network device that consists […]


Simulasi Deteksi Tonsilitis Mengunakan Pengolahan Citra Digital Berdasarkan Warna dan Luasan pada Tonsil

Simulasi Deteksi Tonsilitis Mengunakan Pengolahan Citra Digital Berdasarkan Warna dan Luasan pada Tonsil   Author : SANG MADE LANANG PRASETYA; I NYOMAN APRAZ RAMATYANA Published on : Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, UGM   Abstract Tonsillitis or known as tonsils is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the tonsils, causing sore throat, […]


Women entrepreneurship in Islamic perspective: A driver for social change

Women entrepreneurship in Islamic perspective: A driver for social change   Author : GRISNA ANGGADWITA; HENDRATI DWI MULYANINGSIH; M. YAHYA ARWIYAH; VELAND RAMADANI Published on : International Journal of Business and Globalisation   Abstract Women have a considerably important role in promoting the economic growth of a country. In Islam, women are a privileged and […]


Identification of Customer Values in Telecommunication Service Industry A Case of Postpaid Cellular Customers in Indonesia

Identification of Customer Values in Telecommunication Service Industry A Case of Postpaid Cellular Customers in Indonesia   Author : HUSNI AMANI; DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA; GRISNA ANGGADWITA Published on : 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT)   Abstract The vast development of mobile technologies has led to a competitive environment between the […]



EVALUATION OF SECURITY IN SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE USING COMBINATION OF ATAM AND STRIDE   Author : PRAJNA DESHANTA IBNUGRAHA; RIDI FERDIANA; SUHARYANTO; PAULUS INSAP SANTOSA Published on : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology   Abstract In this time, security is important thing that must be included when develop software because it has large effect […]


Bloombogus, Plastic as A Repurpose Material for Future Fashion and Textiles

Bloombogus, Plastic as A Repurpose Material for Future Fashion and Textiles   Author : WIDIA NUR UTAMI BASTAMAN; Eka Arifianty Puspita Published on : The 3rd International Conference on Creative Industry   Abstract “In Indonesia, it is common using plastic bag for daily activity. Plastic bag is usually used as a ???temporary carrier??? which has […]


Defaultable Bond Pricing Model at Maturity Time

Defaultable Bond Pricing Model at Maturity Time   Author : NORA AMELDA RIZAL; Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono; Budhi Arta Surya Published on : International Conference on Business, Management, Tourism and Hospitality (BIZMATOUR 2015)   Abstract This paper introduces the preliminary work for portfolio optimization where it aims to find an optimal solution for portfolio in finite […]

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