Kegiatan Publikasi

Na??ve Random Neighbor Selection For Memory Based Collborative Filtering

Na??ve Random Neighbor Selection For Memory Based Collborative Filtering   Author : AGUNG TOTO WIBOWO; AULIA RAHMAWATI Published on : International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA) 2015   Abstract “Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one challenging problem in information retrieval, with memory based become popular among other applicable methods. Memory based CF measure […]


Vein Tracking Using 880nm Near Infrared and CMOS Sensor with Maximum Curvature Points Segmentation

Vein Tracking Using 880nm Near Infrared and CMOS Sensor with Maximum Curvature Points Segmentation   Author : ANGGUNMEKA LUHUR PRASASTI; Richard Karel Willem Mengko Published on : 7th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering   Abstract Injection error usually occurs in obese patients and children (especially dehydrated children). More than one injection errors may cause uncomfortable […]


The Concept and Implementation of Association Rule of Re-Taken Courses (Case Study: Telkom Applied Science School)

The Concept and Implementation of Association Rule of Re-Taken Courses (Case Study: Telkom Applied Science School)   Author : TORA FAHRUDIN Published on : JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI   Abstract Sebuah Perguruan tinggi seharusnya sudah mempunyai matakuliah yang tersusun kedalam sebuah kurikulum. Tiap matakuliah mempunyai karakteristiknya masing-masing, mulai dari mudah maupun yang susah. Hal tersebut terlihat […]


Penggunaan Big Data Analytic di Perguruan Tinggi

Penggunaan Big Data Analytic di Perguruan Tinggi   Author : ASNIAR Published on : Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi (KNSI) 2015   Abstract Digitalisasi data menyebabkan ledakan data di Perguruan tinggi yang membuka peluang big data di perguruan tinggi. Data-data digital dalam jumlah banyak meninggalkan tentang apa yang mahasiswadan akademisi lihat, apa yang mereka baca, keterlibatan […]



AN ANALYSIS OF TELECOMMUNICATION VENDOR COMPANY BANKRUPTCY POTENCY BASED ON THE PROBLEMATIC FINANCIAL RATIO WITH ALTMAN, SPRINGATE AND ZMIJEWSKI METHODS   Author : NORITA Published on : International Conference In Organizational Innovation   Abstract “The capability of a company to survive in business is highly related with its own performance. In order to preserve company???s […]


Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.21 MIH (Media Independent Handover) As a function of Vertical Handover using PMIPv6 and F-HMIPv6

Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.21 MIH (Media Independent Handover) As a function of Vertical Handover using PMIPv6 and F-HMIPv6   Author : GANDEVA BAYU; TRI BROTOHARSONO; SOFIAN WIRANANDI Published on : The 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015   Abstract “Mobile IP is an Internet protocol that supports mobility of hosts, so that each […]


Perbandingan Metode Adaptive Thresholding dan Global Thresholding Pada Deteksi Penyakit Kanker Serviks

Perbandingan Metode Adaptive Thresholding dan Global Thresholding Pada Deteksi Penyakit Kanker Serviks   Author : RITA MAGDALENA; EGGI INTAN PUTRI Published on : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi 2015   Abstract Dalam penelitian ini, dibandingkan metode Adaptive Thresholding dan Global Thresholding dalam mendeteksi gejala kanker serviks. Kanker serviks adalah penyakit kanker yang disebabkan oleh […]


The Detection of 8 Type Malware botnet using Hybrid Malware Analysis in Executable File Windows Operating Systems

The Detection of 8 Type Malware botnet using Hybrid Malware Analysis in Executable File Windows Operating Systems   Author : GANDEVA BAYU; NIKEN DWI WAHYU CAHYANI; RITCHIE FERGINDO ANDRETA; Published on : The 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015 (ICEC 2015)   Abstract Nowadays a lot of botnet are being used for the purpose […]


Detection of Cervical Cancer Disease Using Adaptive Thresholding Method bu Image Processing

Detection of Cervical Cancer Disease Using Adaptive Thresholding Method bu Image Processing   Author : EGGI INTAN PUTRI; LEDYA NOVAMIZANTI Published on : 2nd International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research   Abstract Cervical cancer is one of the cancer disease caused by human papilloma virus type 16 and 18, attacking woman cervix. The […]


Knowledge Sharing in Telkom University

Knowledge Sharing in Telkom University   Author : ANITA SILVIANITA; MAHENDRA FAKHRI; CUT IRNA SETIAWATI; Published on : The 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015)   Abstract Knowledge Telkom University is a higher education institution which is owned by Telkom Education Foundation. This Telkom University establishment was originated from […]

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