Kegiatan Publikasi

Performance Improvement of Palm Vein Identity Recognition Using Adaptive Filtering and Retinex Method

Performance Improvement of Palm Vein Identity Recognition Using Adaptive Filtering and Retinex Method   Author : MUHAMMAD SHAFHI KASYFILLAH; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract Biometric is identification technology system based on feature from specific physiological or behavioral characteristic as authentication, one of it […]


Analysis and Implementation Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for Authentication System Using Palm Vein

Analysis and Implementation Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for Authentication System Using Palm Vein   Author : GHOFINKA PUTRI; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; SITI SAADAH, ST. Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract Data increasing every day become trigger to theft of personal data by those who don’t responsible […]


Vomma:Android Application Launcher Using Voice Command

Vomma:Android Application Launcher Using Voice Command   Author : MUSLIM SIDIQ; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; SITI SAADAH, ST. Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract Nowadays, the development of mobile devices, especially android showed increased very rapidly. These developments can be seen in the year 2014, where the android […]


Speaker Recognition Implementation for Authentication Using Filtered MFCC ??? VQ and a Thresholding Method

Speaker Recognition Implementation for Authentication Using Filtered MFCC ??? VQ and a Thresholding Method   Author : REZA AULIA SADEWA; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; SITI SAADAH, ST. Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract This paper explains about authentication mechanism using one of the unique biometric component, the human […]


Design and Implementation of Voice Command Using MFCC and HMMs Method

Design and Implementation of Voice Command Using MFCC and HMMs Method   Author : MUSLIM SIDIQ; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; SITI SAADAH, ST. Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract The more frequent human interaction to technology demands the development of methods of interaction with the machine to a […]


Implementation Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Intrusion Detection System

Implementation Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Intrusion Detection System   Author : ASRY FAIDHUL ASHAARI PINEM; ERWIN BUDI SETIAWAN Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract Intrusion detection system is a system that can detect the presence intrusion or attack in a computer network. There are 2 type of intrusion […]


Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Using the Combination of Lexicon-Based and Support Vector Machine for Assessing the Performance of a Television Program

Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Using the Combination of Lexicon-Based and Support Vector Machine for Assessing the Performance of a Television Program   Author : MIRA KANIA SABARIAH; VERONIKHA EFFENDY Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract The development of social media, especially twitter is growing rapidly. Twitter is usually used to comment on a product, […]


The Implementation User Experience Model in Applications Early Childhood Education Using Hierarchical Task Analysis Method (Case Study: Introduction Learning to Read)

The Implementation User Experience Model in Applications Early Childhood Education Using Hierarchical Task Analysis Method (Case Study: Introduction Learning to Read)   Author : MIRA KANIA SABARIAH; VERONIKHA EFFENDY; AVIAN RINANDHI Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract Interactive media using application is a solution to provide early childhood learning in today’s technological era, one […]


Feature Extraction Analysis on Indonesian Speech Recognition System

Feature Extraction Analysis on Indonesian Speech Recognition System   Author : UNTARI NOVIA WISESTY; ADIWIJAYA Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract “Speech recognition is widely applied to speech to text, speech to emotion, in order to make gadget and computer easier to use, or to help people with hearing disability. Feature extraction is one […]


Modularizing RESTful Web Service Management with Aspect Oriented Programming

Modularizing RESTful Web Service Management with Aspect Oriented Programming   Author : WIDHIAN BRAMANTYA; BAYU MUNAJAT Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract REST is one type of web services that uses standardized HTTP and runs on top of website-like protocol. In web application, functionalities spread in tiers or layers. Using Object Oriented Programming (OOP), […]

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