Kegiatan Publikasi

Assessment of Information Security Management on Indonesian Higher Education Institutions

Assessment of Information Security Management on Indonesian Higher Education Institutions   Author : CANDIWAN; PUSPITA KENCANA SARI; NADIAILHAQ NURSHABRINA Published on : 2nd Springer International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering [Springer-ICOCOE]   Abstract Information is one of the valuable corporate???s asset and must be protected, including for higher education institutions. Many security breach had […]


Analysis of Liveline Addition as The New Time Constraint and The Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First (EDELF) Algorithm in Real Time System

Analysis of Liveline Addition as The New Time Constraint and The Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First (EDELF) Algorithm in Real Time System   Author : SURYO PRANOTO U.; FAZMAH ARIF YULIANTO; ENDRO ARIYANTO Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract The conventional model of real???time system cannot solve a problem when tasks come earlier than […]


Designing an Integrated Core Banking System for A Medium-Scale Sharia Bank in Indonesia

Designing an Integrated Core Banking System for A Medium-Scale Sharia Bank in Indonesia   Author : ARI YANUAR RIDWAN Published on : ICoICT 2015 (The 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology)   Abstract The objective of this paper is to propose the development and implementation of an integrated sharia core banking system (SCBS). […]


Using Design to Build Brand Image Case Study: Playroom Design of Children???s Dairy Product in Hospital

Using Design to Build Brand Image Case Study: Playroom Design of Children???s Dairy Product in Hospital   Author : RIZKA RACHMAWATI; WIRANIA SWASTY Published on : International Conference on Creative Industry   Abstract This paper discusses the creative strategies to build brand image which is intended to increase consumer brand awareness as well as sales. […]


Dimensionality Reduction for Association Rule Mining with IST-EFP Algorithm

Dimensionality Reduction for Association Rule Mining with IST-EFP Algorithm   Author : BOBY SISWANTO; PROF. THE HOUW LIONG; SHAUFIAH Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract Frequent itemset generation is the important phase on association rule mining. With frequent itemset dataset, association rules will be obtained. The main problems that exist in association rule mining […]


Enabling Multipath Routing for Unicast Traffic in Ethernet Network

Enabling Multipath Routing for Unicast Traffic in Ethernet Network   Author : HAIDLIR ACHMAD NAQVI; SOFIA NANING HERTIANA Published on : The 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology   Abstract “We present a system to enable the multipath routing for unicast traffic in Ethernet network that implements Depth First Search algorithm to find […]


Evaluation of the Online Assessment Test using Process Mining (Case Study: Intensive English Center)

Evaluation of the Online Assessment Test using Process Mining (Case Study: Intensive English Center)   Author : VINCA AISA; ANGELINA PRIMA KURNIATI; YANUAR FIRDAUS ARIE WIBOWO Published on : The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology   Abstract One process in e-learning is Online Assessment Test which is aimed to determine students??? understanding […]



IMPLEMENTING PROCESS MINING TO IMPROVE COBIT 5 ASSESSMENT PROGRAM FOR MANAGING OPERATIONS (CASE STUDY: A UNIVERSITY BLOG)   Author : ANGELINA PRIMA KURNIATI; IMELDA ATASTINA Published on : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology   Abstract ISACA???s COBIT is widely used to assess the maturity of process capability in many enterprises. It???s last version […]


The Effect of Transformative IT Capability on SUstainable Competitive Advantage

The Effect of Transformative IT Capability on SUstainable Competitive Advantage   Author : TEGUH WIDODO Published on : ICoICT   Abstract “This research recalls the resource base view of the firm theory that argues that return above the average is not only determined by the external factors but it is also determined by internal factors. […]


Using Least square monte carlo simulation to price American multi underlying stock option

Using Least square monte carlo simulation to price American multi underlying stock option   Author : IRMA PALUPI; INDRA UTAMA SITORUS; RIAN FEBRIAN UMBARA Published on : International Conference On Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT))   Abstract “Stock options is a contract which give the right (without obligation) to the owner to buy or to […]

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