Kegiatan Publikasi


ANALISIS GANGGUAN POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) BERDASARKAN CITRA ULTRASONOGRAPHY MENGGUNAKAN METODE LINEAR DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS (LDA) DAN FUZZY C -MEAN CLUSTERING   Author : ADIWIJAYA Published on : e-Proceeding of Engineering Tel-U   Abstract “Masalah kesuburan terjadi akibat terganggunya sistem reproduksi pada wanita dan terjadinya penurunan kualitas sperma pada pria. Sebuah penelitian menyatakan bahwa masalah kesuburan […]


Analisis Dan Implementasi Metode Fuzzy AHP dan Topsis Untuk Rekomendasi LPK Pelaksana Proyek Pelatihan (Studi Kasus : Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Samarinda)

Analisis Dan Implementasi Metode Fuzzy AHP dan Topsis Untuk Rekomendasi LPK Pelaksana Proyek Pelatihan (Studi Kasus : Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Samarinda)   Author : MAHMUD IMRONA Published on : e-Proceeding of Engineering Tel-U   Abstract “Dinas Tenaga Kerja (disnaker) Kota Samarinda adalah unit pemerintahan dibawah pemerintah kota Samarinda. Pada dasarnya disnaker berfungsi memfasilitasi para […]


Analisis dan Implementasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan ??? Propagasi Balik Dalam Memprediksi Produksi dan Konsumsi Minyak Bumi, Gas Bumi, dan Batu Bara di Indonesia

Analisis dan Implementasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan ??? Propagasi Balik Dalam Memprediksi Produksi dan Konsumsi Minyak Bumi, Gas Bumi, dan Batu Bara di Indonesia   Author : JONDRI Published on : e-Proceeding of Engineering Tel-U   Abstract Indonesia is one of the countries that produce energy sources that are formed from fossil or non – fossil. […]


Penggunaan Algoritma Fuzzy C-Means Untuk Analisis Web Usage Mining (Studi Kasus : Aktifitas Internet Telkom University)

Penggunaan Algoritma Fuzzy C-Means Untuk Analisis Web Usage Mining (Studi Kasus : Aktifitas Internet Telkom University)   Author : EKO DARWIYANTO Published on : e-Proceeding of Engineering Tel-U   Abstract “Saat ini penggunaan internet sebagai sumber informasi sedang berkembang dengan pesat. Dengan memanfaatkan media internet ini, pengguna dapat memperoleh informasi secara cepat, di mana saja […]


An Efficient Implementation of Sequential Detector in Spectrum Sensing Under Correlated Observations

An Efficient Implementation of Sequential Detector in Spectrum Sensing Under Correlated Observations   Author : FIKY YOSEF SURATMAN; SIGIT PUSPITO WIGATI JAROT Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract Improvement on throughput of cognitive radio networks is possible by spectrum sensing when the required sample number (sensing time) is relatively small. This is due to […]


Website Design of EMS-SCADA for AC Usage on a Building

Website Design of EMS-SCADA for AC Usage on a Building   Author : HARIS RACHMAT; TATANG MULYANA Published on : ICO ICT   Abstract “the application of automation technology in the management of electrical energy is intended to limit the use of electrical energy in a building in order to avoid wasting energy sources and […]


Realistic Facial Animation on Speech Synchronization for Indonesian Language

Realistic Facial Animation on Speech Synchronization for Indonesian Language   Author : MELLIA LIYANTHI; HERTOG NUGROHO Published on : IcoICT2015   Abstract Speech synchronisation is one of the studies in the field of facial animation that has been widely studied, which results in speech animation, but there are still many challenges that have not been […]


Design and Implementation of Regulatory Systems of Light, Temperature and Humidity Indoor Gardens Using Microcontroller

Design and Implementation of Regulatory Systems of Light, Temperature and Humidity Indoor Gardens Using Microcontroller   Author : ARIANDO; RITA PURNAMASARI Published on : ICOICT   Abstract Lighting, warming, and protecting from extreme climate can guarantee and improve a quality of plant. To determine how a good condition for growth of plant, it needs a […]


White Space Steganography on Text By Using lzw-Huffman Double Compression

White Space Steganography on Text By Using lzw-Huffman Double Compression   Author : GELAR BUDIMAN; LEDYA NOVAMIZANTI Published on : International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC)   Abstract Privacy, especially in a cellphone, is an important thing and should be protected. Steganography is a methodused to protect a sensitive information. The issue tried […]


Thin EM Wave Absorber Composed of Octagonal Patch Array and Its Characteristic Measurement

Thin EM Wave Absorber Composed of Octagonal Patch Array and Its Characteristic Measurement   Author : LEVY OLIVIA NUR; Dr. Achmad Munir Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract In this paper, the development of thin electromagnetic (EM) wave absorber and its characteristic measurement are presented. The absorber is developed based on a textured surface […]

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