Redefining E-Learning Readiness Model

Redefining E-Learning Readiness Model


Published on	: ICoICT 2015



In order to bring out the highest advantages of e-learning, e-learning implementation need well-prepared strategic plan. It is expected that the implementation of e-learning is considered not only limited to investment and technology adoption, the use of e-learning should also be sustainable in the long term. Therefore, institutions need instruments and guideline in preparing all aspects towards e-learning implementation success. E-learning readiness becomes the answer to guide institutions in preparing the implementation. E-learning readiness cannot be separated from the maturity of all factors affecting its implementation. This study proposed model that not only identified factors to be prepared, but also provided a different view and a new perspective in determining prioritized factors in e-learning readiness. The model categorizes e-learning readiness factors into five domains and three layers based on levels of importance for institutions. Core layer includes organizations and academic domains, supporting layer covers the financial domain and the presentation layer consists of technology and content domain.

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