Implementation Kretschmer Complex Degree Centrality and Confidence Interval Estimation for Validating User Reports on Integrated Disaster Portal Application and Social Media Application
Implementation Kretschmer Complex Degree Centrality and Confidence Interval Estimation for Validating User Reports on Integrated Disaster Portal Application and Social Media Application
Reporting of a disaster location is important for managing disasters. It is related to how a response is made to face an incident. Process for validating a report through a conventional media, such as a telephone, sometimes, taking a long time. The required time which is needed by fire department to make a response decision is about 5 minutes. The authors take alternative inputs by utilizing a social media community, like designing an integrated application between a social media application and a disaster management application to fulfilled that requirement. The disaster portal application is going to perform an input validation from users in a required time which is needed by fire department to respond. Two methods are used to find parameters which are used by a disaster portal application. The first method is Kretschmer Complex Degree Centrality which is used to find a threshold value. The second method is Confidence Interval Estimation which is used to find minimal inputs for disaster reporting.