Publikasi Ilmiah

eningkatan Kinerja Skema Estimasi Arah Kedatangan Sinyal dengan Compressive Sensing Sparsitas Sudut dan Sampel Multisnap

Peningkatan Kinerja Skema Estimasi Arah Kedatangan Sinyal dengan Compressive Sensing Sparsitas Sudut dan Sampel Multisnap   Author : KOREDIANTO USMAN; Andriyan Bayu Suksmono; Hendra Gunawan Published on : Jurnal INKOM LIPI (Jurnal INKOM Bandung)   Abstract Perkembangan teknik compressive sensing beserta pemanfaatannya digunakan pada berbagai penyelesaian permasalahan. Salah satu pemanfaatannya yang dibahas di sini adalah […]

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Teaching Critical Listening to Young Learners in EFL Context

Teaching Critical Listening to Young Learners in EFL Context   Author : FETTY POERWITA SARY Published on : Indonesian EFL Journal (The Association of Indonesian Scholars of English Education)   Abstract The teaching of English in Indonesia includes four skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and two language components—vocabulary and grammar. Listening is one of the […]

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Analisis Proses Keputusan Pembelian Yang Dilakukan Rumah Tangga Golongan A dan Golongan B Dalam Memilih Jasa Perbaikan Barang Elektronik Rumah Tangga Yang Terpasang Di Dapur

Analisis Proses Keputusan Pembelian Yang Dilakukan Rumah Tangga Golongan A dan Golongan B Dalam Memilih Jasa Perbaikan Barang Elektronik Rumah Tangga Yang Terpasang Di Dapur   Author : DIAS PUTRA PRATAMA; KRISTINA SISILIA Published on : Conference on Management and Behavioral Studies (Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta)   Abstract Kerusakan barang elektronik yang terpasang di dapur menjadi […]

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Analysis of Political Marketing on Legislative Election

Analysis of Political Marketing on Legislative Election   Author : ACHMAD MANSHUR ALI SUYANTO; RUNIK MACHFIROH; M. YAHYA ARWIYAH Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “Legislative was elections conducted at 9 April 2014, followed by 12 political parties, which each party […]

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3D Localization Technique for Broad Band Impulsive Noise Source

3D Localization Technique for Broad Band Impulsive Noise Source   Author : NUR IBRAHIM; IRMA SAFITRI; REDY MARDIANA; EFFRINA YANTI HAMID Published on : The 2014 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications (LIPI- Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract This paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) localization system for locating partial discharge (PD) on high-voltage […]

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Contribution of Indonesian Rural Banking National for Economic Growth Year ( 2000 until 2013)

Contribution of Indonesian Rural Banking National for Economic Growth Year ( 2000 until 2013)   Author : HARRIE LUTFIE; AGUS MAOLANA HIDAYAT; RAHMAT HIDAYAT Published on : Seoul International Conference on Social Sciences and Management (SICSSAM 2015) (South Korea)   Abstract “This study aims to analyze whether the distribution of bank loans granted by Bank […]

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Effect of Training on Employee Performance at Electrical State Owned Company in Bandung

Effect of Training on Employee Performance at Electrical State Owned Company in Bandung   Author : ASTADI PANGARSO; FAISAL SOBIQ AULAWI; HENDRATI DWI MULYANINGSIH; Trisha Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “The training program is an effort to develop human resources, […]

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Automatic Segmentation of Indonesian Speech into Syllables using Fuzzy Smoothed Energy Contour with Local Normalization, Splitting, and Assimilation

Automatic Segmentation of Indonesian Speech into Syllables using Fuzzy Smoothed Energy Contour with Local Normalization, Splitting, and Assimilation   Author : SUYANTO; Agfianto Eko Putra Published on : Journal of ICT Research and Applications (Institut Teknologi Bandung – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract This paper discusses the usage of the short-term energy contour of speech smoothed […]

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Nearest Neighbour-Based Indonesian G2P Conversion

Nearest Neighbour-Based Indonesian G2P Conversion   Author : SUYANTO; Agus Harjoko Published on : Telkomnika (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan – Yogyakarta Indonesia)   Abstract Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (G2P), yang juga dikenal sebagai letter-to-sound conversion, adalah sebuah modul penting dalam speech synthesis dan speech recognition. Metode-metode G2P memberikan akurasi bervariasi untuk bahasa-bahasa berbeda walaupun mereka dirancang untuk bebas […]

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Quality Function Deployment for Laboratory Management Information System

Quality Function Deployment for Laboratory Management Information System   Author : RAYINDA PRAMUDITYA SOESANTO; MUHAMAD SHANTYA UTAMA; AMELIA KURNIAWATI Published on : 2014 2nd International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, & Environment(Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract “Information system is a system that can not be separated when talking about information technology. In an […]

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