Publikasi Ilmiah

Anomaly Detection on Intrusion Detection System Using Clique Partitioning

Anomaly Detection on Intrusion Detection System Using Clique Partitioning   Author : NUNGKY NASTAIINULLAH; ADIWIJAYA; ANGELINA PRIMA KURNIATI Published on : ICoICT 2014 (Universitas Telkom – Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract The development of information and network technology makes network security become important. Intrusion is one of the issue in network security. To prevent intrusion happens, […]

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Domestication of technology on women migrant domestic workers

Domestication of technology on women migrant domestic workers   Author : ALILA PRAMIYANTI Published on : ICoICT 2014(Telkom University – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract The largest number of Indonesia migrant workers were women and absorbed in the informal sector such as domestic workers, female workers, nurses, operators, farm workers, laborers, drivers, construction workers, waiters, gardeners, […]

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Performance Efficiency in Plagiarism Indication Detection System Using Indexing Method with Data Structure 2-3 Tree

Performance Efficiency in Plagiarism Indication Detection System Using Indexing Method with Data Structure 2-3 Tree   Author : ANNISA FITRIANA SURYANA; AGUNG TOTO WIBOWO Published on : ICoICT 2014(Telkom University – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract Plagiarism is a form of cheating that has been so much happen. One of prevention is to make the anti-plagiarism […]

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ITRACT: A Theoretical Model Towards New E-Learning Readiness Framework

ITRACT: A Theoretical Model Towards New E-Learning Readiness Framework   Author : KUSUMA AYU LAKSITOWENING; YANUAR FIRDAUS ARIE WIBOWO Published on : ICoICT 2014 (Bandung)   Abstract For universities, the role of e-learning in learning process could increase the quality of education. However, e-learning implementation need well-prepared strategic plan. It is expected that the implementation […]

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Effectiveness Evaluation Model Design of Customer Relationship Management Using Balanced Scorecard: Case Study XYZ

Effectiveness Evaluation Model Design of Customer Relationship Management Using Balanced Scorecard: Case Study XYZ   Author : AMARILIS PUTRI YANUARIFIANI Published on : ICoICT 2014(Telkom University – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract Today’s, CRM implementation has become important, especially for matured company. It is because customer loyalty is very important for business continuity. However, many CRM […]

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Iridology-Based Dyspepsia Early Detection Using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Cascade Correlation Neural Network

Iridology-Based Dyspepsia Early Detection Using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Cascade Correlation Neural Network   Author : MAHMUD DWI SULISTYO; RETNO NOVI DAYAWATI; MARTINTYAS PAHIRAWAN PUTRA AMKRISTIANTO Published on : ICoICT (Grand Royal Panghegar Hotal Bandung)   Abstract Dyspepsia is a condition of indigestion and became one of the diseases with a large number of patients […]

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Wireless Sensor Network for Prototype of Fire Detection

Wireless Sensor Network for Prototype of Fire Detection   Author : RADITYA BUDI NUGROHO; ERWIN SUSANTO; UNANG SUNARYA Published on : ICoICT (Grand Royal Panghegar Hotal Bandung)   Abstract “This paper proposes the prototype design of a fire suppression system. The system uses temperature sensor LM35, gas sensor MQ-7 and microcontroller ATMega8535 as processing data […]

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Dominant Factor Affecting Marketing Employee Discipline In Publishing Company

Dominant Factor Affecting Marketing Employee Discipline In Publishing Company   Author : ASTADI PANGARSO; FARADILA AGITA ASRI Published on : ICOICT(Universitas Airlangga – Surabaya Indonesia)   Abstract This research aims to determine what factors most affect marketing employees discipline at PT. Bhuana Ilmu Popular, Jakarta (BIP),Indonesia. The method used in this research is the factor […]

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Predicting And Clustering Customer to Improve Customer Loyalty and Company Profit

Predicting And Clustering Customer to Improve Customer Loyalty and Company Profit   Author : JUDI ALHILMAN; WIYONO; MARINA YUSTIANA LUBIS; moch. rian m Published on : ICoICT 2014(Telkom University – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract A PT X is a state-owned enterprise that provides the largest telecommunications services and network in Indonesia. By the growing challenges […]

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On the Experiment of Multi Camera Tracking Using Kalman Filter and FOV Lines

On the Experiment of Multi Camera Tracking Using Kalman Filter and FOV Lines   Author : BEDY PURNAMA; BAYU ERFIANTO; YUSFIA HAFID ARISTYAGAMA Published on : ICoICT 2014(Telkom University – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract This paper discusses the experiment of tracking of moving human as single object using multi camera. The contribution of this paper […]

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