Publikasi Ilmiah

A Regulatory Framework for Implementation of Machine to Machine Services: The case involving the emergence of machine to machine in Indonesia

A Regulatory Framework for Implementation of Machine to Machine Services: The case involving the emergence of machine to machine in Indonesia   Author : ANGGI GHONISATUN FITRI; FARDA HASUN Published on : IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile 2014 (IEEE Communications Society Indonesia Chapter, Bali Indonesia)   Abstract The aim of this paper […]

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Analisis Sistem Stabilisasi Citra Angiogram dengan Algoritma SURF Untuk Peningkatan Akurasi Perhitungan QuBE

Analisis Sistem Stabilisasi Citra Angiogram dengan Algoritma SURF Untuk Peningkatan Akurasi Perhitungan QuBE   Author : HILMAN FAUZI TRESNA SANIA PUTRA Published on : CITEE 2014 (UGM-Yogyakarta Indonesia)   Abstract Serangan Jantung atau Myocardial Infraction terjadi ketika darah yang mengalir ke bagian otot jantung tersumbat. Penyumbatan tersebut dapat terjadi akibat penyempitan atau pengerasan pembuluh koroner […]

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“Using Data Science for Detecting Outliers with k Nearest Neighbors Graph”

“Using Data Science for Detecting Outliers with k Nearest Neighbors Graph”   Author : ASNIAR; Kridanto Surendro Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Smart Society 2014 (Grand Panghegar Hotel Bandung)   Abstract “Data science is a process for extracting knowledge from data using fundamental principles of analytical techniques such as […]

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PERSIAPAN UNIVERSITAS TELKOM UNTUK MENGHADAPI ASEAN ECONOMY COMMUNITY 2015   Author : ASTADI PANGARSO Published on : Seminar Nasional Ekonomi dan Bisnis (Universitas Ahmad Yani – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract Asean Economy Community (AEN) adalah suatu kondisi dimana di antara negara yang tergabung Asean mengalir arus bebas dalam hal barang, jasa, investasi, tenaga terampil dan […]

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Building A Novel Model of Performance Measurement System for Corporate Social Responsibility towards Sustainable Development

Building A Novel Model of Performance Measurement System for Corporate Social Responsibility towards Sustainable Development   Author : ASTRIE KRISNAWATI Published on : The 7th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology (ICMIT2014) (National University of Singapore – Singapore)   Abstract The purpose of this study is to find the gaps of performance […]

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Raman Spectra of Multiferroics TbMnO3

Raman Spectra of Multiferroics TbMnO3   Author : ISMUDIATI PURI H. Published on : MRS-ID Meeting 2014 (ASTON HOTEL DENPASAR, BALI, INDONESIA)   Abstract The dream to have multifunctional materials has triggered an intense study of multiferroicity, i.e. of materials in which magnetic and electric polarizations are simultaneously present and strongly coupled. Here we study […]

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Implementation of Steganography using LSB with Encrypted and Compressed Text using TEA-LZW on Android

Implementation of Steganography using LSB with Encrypted and Compressed Text using TEA-LZW on Android   Author : MADE SUMARSANA ADI PUTRA; GELAR BUDIMAN; LEDYA NOVAMIZANTI Published on : International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA) (Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract The development of data communications enabling the exchange of information via mobile devices […]

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Perancangan Pemanfaatan Single Board Computer Sebagai Server Monitor Jaringan Menggunakan Raspberry Pi

Perancangan Pemanfaatan Single Board Computer Sebagai Server Monitor Jaringan Menggunakan Raspberry Pi   Author : RINI HANDAYANI; MARLINDIA IKE SARI Published on : SEMNASTIK (UNIVERSITAS BINA DARMA – Palembang Indonesia)   Abstract Single board computer merupakan sistem komputer lengkap yang dibangun di atas papan sirkuit tunggal, yang mempunyai fungsi penuh seperti Komputer pada umumnya, yang […]

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DISCOURSE BEAUTY OF WOMEN IN TELEVISION ADVERTISING   Author : IRA WIRASARI; SITI DESINTHA Published on : Bandung Creative Movement 2014 (Telkom University-Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract “Women-owned beauty can establish uniformity and bring them to the properties around itu.Discourse beauty beauty and femininity of women simply can not be separated from the construction of a […]

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Health Services Monitoring System Based on Web-GIS For Puskesmas

Health Services Monitoring System Based on Web-GIS For Puskesmas   Author : ISTIKMAL; TODY ARIEFIANTO WIBOWO; LEANNA VIDYA YOVITA Published on : The 3rd ICEEI 2014 (AlamKulKul Boutique Resort, Kuta ??? Bali)   Abstract Puskesmas in Indonesia has a very important role for the public health improvement and as a spearhead to running the government […]

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