Author: ppm

Re-Thinking Youth Organization’s Social Media in Indonesia: From Social Movement to Bullying Case Study of Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Bandung (PMB)

Re-Thinking Youth Organization???s Social Media in Indonesia: From Social Movement to Bullying Case Study of Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Bandung (PMB)   Author : INTAN SITI MUSLICHA Published on : 10th Biennial Convention of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association (Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Indonesia   Abstract The use of social media in youth organization in Indonesia has […]

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The influence Analysis of CAR, OER and LDR to ROA using Panel Data Regression Model (Case Study On Commercial Banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2008-2011)

The influence Analysis of CAR, OER and LDR to ROA using Panel Data Regression Model (Case Study On Commercial Banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2008-2011)   Author : IRNI YUNITA Published on : International Conference in Organization Innovation (ICOI) 2014 (De La Salle University- Philippines)   Abstract This study aimed to examine […]

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“Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises: People???s Credit Scheme (KUR) Challenges as Future Prospects of SMEs in Indonesia”

“Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises: People???s Credit Scheme (KUR) Challenges as Future Prospects of SMEs in Indonesia”   Author : YUHANA ASTUTI Published on : Global Trend in Academic Research (Pan Pasific Hotel di Bali)   Abstract “Recently, many Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia are still having problems in getting funds despite various […]

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Business Developments Strategy Impact: the Case of Multipurpose Cooperative Business

Business Developments Strategy Impact: the Case of Multipurpose Cooperative Business   Author : TRISHA GILANG SARASWATI Published on : International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research (GTAR-2014) (Global Illuminators – Bali Indonesia)   Abstract This paper is a case study of a cooperative whose involvement in the multipurpose business was one of a successful […]

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Persebaran Layanan dan Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Provinsi Papua

Persebaran Layanan dan Infrastruktur Telekomunikasi Provinsi Papua   Author : PRAJNA DESHANTA IBNUGRAHA; TORA FAHRUDIN Published on : JURNAL INFOTEL ST3 Telkom Purwokerto (STT Telematika Telkom Purwokerto)   Abstract “Layanan dan infrastruktur telekomunikasi merupakan bagian penting dari kehidupan modern karena hampir di segala bidang membutuhkan hal tersebut seperti pendidikan, pemerintahan, ekonomi dan sebagainya. Oleh karena […]

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Social Entrepreneurship in Islamic Social Welfare System

Social Entrepreneurship in Islamic Social Welfare System   Author : HENDRATI DWI MULYANINGSIH Published on : International Conference on World Islamic Studies ( ICWIS) (Penang Malaysia)   Abstract “The basic activity of Social Entrepreneurship is divided into two contrary things at the same time, that are social driven and profit driven but the most focusing […]

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“Enhancing Innovation in Quadruple Helix Perspective: The case of the Business Incubators in -Indonesia”

“Enhancing Innovation in Quadruple Helix Perspective: The case of the Business Incubators in -Indonesia”   Author : HENDRATI DWI MULYANINGSIH Published on : International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research (GTAR-2014) (Global Illuminators – Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “Triple Helix Concept has already been known and used widely in innovation research. In many countries […]

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Demand Forecasting in Downstream Supply Chain Telco Product

Demand Forecasting in Downstream Supply Chain Telco Product   Author : RATIH HENDAYANI; ADRIAN DARMANDA Published on : International Journal of Basic and Applied Science (Garut)   Abstract This study aims is to manage the uncertainty demand in the downstream supply chain for a starter pack Telco product by measuring demand forecasting in one area […]

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“The Collaboration to Advertise Company Products A Case Analysis of ???Double Power Breakfast a Joint TV Commercial between Blue Band dan Sari Roti”

“The Collaboration to Advertise Company Products A Case Analysis of ???Double Power Breakfast??? a Joint TV Commercial between Blue Band dan Sari Roti”   Author : RATIH HASANAH; MOHAMAD SYAHRIAR SUGANDI Published on : Beyond Asia: Communicating Asian Culture to the World (UNPAD – BANDUNG)   Abstract “The latest phenomenon of today’s marketing world is […]

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Corporate Social Responsibility towards Corporate Performance: Whether a Barrier or an Endorser

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Corporate Performance: Whether a Barrier or an Endorser   Author : ASTRIE KRISNAWATI Published on : International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research (GTAR-2014) (Global Illuminators – Bali Indonesia)   Abstract It is commonly considered that the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contrasts with the principle of a business. […]

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