Author: ppm

Automatic Segmentation of Indonesian Speech into Syllables using Fuzzy Smoothed Energy Contour with Local Normalization, Splitting, and Assimilation

Automatic Segmentation of Indonesian Speech into Syllables using Fuzzy Smoothed Energy Contour with Local Normalization, Splitting, and Assimilation   Author : SUYANTO; Agfianto Eko Putra Published on : Journal of ICT Research and Applications (Institut Teknologi Bandung – Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract This paper discusses the usage of the short-term energy contour of speech smoothed […]

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Nearest Neighbour-Based Indonesian G2P Conversion

Nearest Neighbour-Based Indonesian G2P Conversion   Author : SUYANTO; Agus Harjoko Published on : Telkomnika (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan – Yogyakarta Indonesia)   Abstract Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (G2P), yang juga dikenal sebagai letter-to-sound conversion, adalah sebuah modul penting dalam speech synthesis dan speech recognition. Metode-metode G2P memberikan akurasi bervariasi untuk bahasa-bahasa berbeda walaupun mereka dirancang untuk bebas […]

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Quality Function Deployment for Laboratory Management Information System

Quality Function Deployment for Laboratory Management Information System   Author : RAYINDA PRAMUDITYA SOESANTO; MUHAMAD SHANTYA UTAMA; AMELIA KURNIAWATI Published on : 2014 2nd International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, & Environment(Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract “Information system is a system that can not be separated when talking about information technology. In an […]

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The Influence of ???Kuta Karnival??? Event against Image of Bali as Tourism Destination

The Influence of ???Kuta Karnival??? Event against Image of Bali as Tourism Destination   Author : ELSA VIERA TARANIAR; MARTHA TRI LESTARI Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “Tourism is often relied as a source of foreign of the states. In […]

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Factor Analysis of Work Motivation Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Case Study on Civil Servants at Banten Province’s Office Agriculture and Livestock

Factor Analysis of Work Motivation Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Case Study on Civil Servants at Banten Province’s Office Agriculture and Livestock   Author : MAHENDRA FAKHRI; MUHAMAD ADITYA RAHMAWAN; MAHIR PRADANA Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “The aim of […]

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THE BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY FOR CREATING VALUE INOVATION (Study in ???Kedai Digital ??? Yogyakarta- Indonesia)

THE BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY FOR CREATING VALUE INOVATION (Study in ???Kedai Digital ??? Yogyakarta- Indonesia)   Author : MARHENI EKA SAPUTRI; HENDRATI DWI MULYANINGSIH Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “Merchandise business has been developing rapidly in recent years especially in […]

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The Effect of Affiliation, Level of Satisfaction and Innovation to Knowledge Sharing in Economic and Business Faculty, Telkom University

The Effect of Affiliation, Level of Satisfaction and Innovation to Knowledge Sharing in Economic and Business Faculty, Telkom University   Author : ANITA SILVIANITA; TRI INDRA WIJAKSANA Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract Knowledge sharing is an important thing that every […]

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CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ANALYSIS OF SERVISCAPE IN SIERRA CAF?? & LOUNGE BANDUNG   Author : FARAH OKTAFANI; R. NURAFNI RUBIYANTI; DAINESTA TRESNA Published on : Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)   Abstract “The development of the restaurant business has considerable potential as an industrial center. Therefore, […]

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The Development, Scheme, Risk and Fair Market Value Model of Sukuk Ijarah and Mudharabah in Indonesia

The Development, Scheme, Risk and Fair Market Value Model of Sukuk Ijarah and Mudharabah in Indonesia   Author : IRNI YUNITA Published on : the World Conference on Economics and Business Management(Open University Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)   Abstract “Shariah financial products is currently developing in Indonesia, one of them is Sukuk which is […]

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Website in Indonesian Radio Broadcasting Industri: Live Streaming and Podcasting

Website in Indonesian Radio Broadcasting Industri: Live Streaming and Podcasting   Author : HARLIANTARA Published on : EMERGING TRENDS IN ACADEMIC RESEARCH (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)   Abstract “The presence of new internet medium phenomenon has bring significant change in the Indonesian broadcasting world. Radio broadcasting institution continue to develop with their transmission technology and audio […]

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