Author: ppm

Conceptual Model of Citizen

Conceptual Model of Citizen   Author : CUT IRNA SETIAWATI; PUTRI MEUTHIA PRATIWI MS Published on : The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICOICT) 2015   Abstract Electronic government (e-government) has begun to supplement and even replace and restructure traditional system for public services. The success of the e-government implementation is depending […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015


PENGUKURAN eREADINESS CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICE MODEL PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI   Author : SONI FAJAR SURYA GUMILANG; HERU NUGROHO Published on : Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi (KNSI) 2015   Abstract Layanan teknologi informasi (TI) yang berbasis koneksi internet saat ini telah menjadi sesuatu hal yang sangat penting bagi sebuah organisasi. Populernya layanan komputasi bagi organisasi yang […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Combining Learner???s Preference and Similar Peers??? Experience in Adaptive Learning

Combining Learner???s Preference and Similar Peers??? Experience in Adaptive Learning   Author : FANDRY INDRAYADI; DADE NURJANAH Published on : International Conference on Computer Science for Education   Abstract Adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) offers learning adaptation and personalization. In terms of adaptation, AEH plays the role of a tutor and controls learning. To the contrary, […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

The analysis of perception of useness, ease, social influences,trust and cost and the effect on the interest of using online transaction by smartphone

The analysis of perception of useness, ease, social influences,trust and cost and the effect on the interest of using online transaction by smartphone   Author : ATI MUSTIKASARI; SRI WIDANINGSIH; Published on : 2nd International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research   Abstract “Indonesia became one of the main targets of the smartphone manufacturers, […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Planting Calendar Forecasting System using Evolving Neural Network

Planting Calendar Forecasting System using Evolving Neural Network   Author : FHIRA NHITA; ADIWIJAYA; UNTARI NOVIA WISESTY; izzatul ummah Published on : Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications   Abstract Weather forecast information, where the rainfall is crucial factor, is extremely needed in agriculture sector so the farmer can predict the beginning of growing […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Jakarta Congestion Mapping And Classification From Twitter Data Extraction Using Tokenization And Na??ve Bayes Classifier

Jakarta Congestion Mapping And Classification From Twitter Data Extraction Using Tokenization And Na??ve Bayes Classifier   Author : GIGIH REZKI SEPTIANTO; FIRMAN FAKHRI MUKTI; MUHAMMAD NASRUN; ALFIAN AKBAR GOZALI Published on : Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting (APMediaCast 2015)   Abstract “The data potential of Twitter is a powerful resource for data mining […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Contibution of Credit for Indonesia National Economic Growht from 2000 until 2013

Contibution of Credit for Indonesia National Economic Growht from 2000 until 2013   Author : HARRIE LUTFIE; AGUS MAOLANA HIDAYAT; RAHMAT HIDAYAT Published on : Global Trend in Academic Research GTAR-2015   Abstract “This study was to analyze whether the bank loans granted by banks to the type of credit that working capital loans, investment […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Studi Kasus Deskriptif pada Pola Komunikasi Verbal dan Non Verbal Komunitas Ebonics

Studi Kasus Deskriptif pada Pola Komunikasi Verbal dan Non Verbal Komunitas Ebonics   Author : LUCY PUJASARI SUPRATMAN Published on : Jurnal Liski   Abstract “Manusia yang tergabung dalam komunitas tertentu, melakukan aktivitas berkomunikasi untuk menyampaikan maksud mereka dengan menggunakan pesan-pesan verbal dan nonverbal. Rangsangan wicara yang disadari oleh manusia dalam suatu komunitas yang termasuk […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Fuzzy Logic Control Design for Leader-Follower Method Using Zigbee Communication Module Xbee Series 1 on Path Following Mobile Robot

Fuzzy Logic Control Design for Leader-Follower Method Using Zigbee Communication Module Xbee Series 1 on Path Following Mobile Robot   Author : LISA ANJANI ARTA; SUWANDI; AHMAD QURTHOBI; Abrar Ismardi Published on : Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM   Abstract Technology nowadays is developed rapidly. One of technology development is mobile robot that can addopt behaviour […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Proportional Control Design on Mobile Robot for Leader-Follower Formation Using ZigBee Wireless Communication Module

Proportional Control Design on Mobile Robot for Leader-Follower Formation Using ZigBee Wireless Communication Module   Author : MUHAMAD MAULANA RISWANDHA; SUWANDI; AHMAD QURTHOBI; ABRAR Published on : Conference Fee 1st ICMA (International Conference on Multidiciplinary Academic)   Abstract “Nowadays the development of technology is heading to industrial automation in many things, one of them is […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015
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