Author: ppm

Zocha Joint Venture Business Analysis The Co-Creator Value between Garut???s SME Using Business Model Canvas

Zocha Joint Venture Business Analysis The Co-Creator Value between Garut???s SME Using Business Model Canvas   Author : M.I.ATIKA PRIHASTUTI; DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA; OSA OMAR SHARIF Published on : International Foundation for Research & Development   Abstract Creative economy rapidly growing in Indonesia. Zocha Joint Venture is one of the major influencer in advanced creative […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

???Identification of Customer Values in Telecommunication Service Industry: A Case of Postpaid Cellular Customers in Indonesia

???Identification of Customer Values in Telecommunication Service Industry: A Case of Postpaid Cellular Customers in Indonesia   Author : HUSNI AMANI; DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA; GRISNA ANGGADWITA; Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract The vast development of mobile technologies has led to a competitive environment between the existing providers of telecommunication services in delivering their […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

An Overview and Implementation of Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) Process In Data Warehouse (Case Study: Department of Agriculture)

An Overview and Implementation of Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) Process In Data Warehouse (Case Study: Department of Agriculture)   Author : RAHMADI WIJAYA, S.SI., MT; BAMBANG PUDJOATMODJO; Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract “Extraction – transformation-loading (ETL) process in data warehouse development perform data extraction from various resources, transform the data into suitable format and load […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Evaluation of Academic Website Using ISO 9126

Evaluation of Academic Website Using ISO 9126   Author : MARTIANA ROCHMANI; DAWAM DWI JATMIKO SUWAWI; EKO DARWIYANTO Published on : The 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology   Abstract “The use of website to support academic activities in education realm has been developing so that the quality website is needed. However, the […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015


APPLICATION OF M2M DETECT THE AIR POLLUTION   Author : PUTUT ANDRE LUQMAN BESARI; MAMAN ABDUROHMAN; ANDRIAN RAKHMATSYAH Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology   Abstract Air pollution in big cities generally comes from vehicle emission, industrial and cigarette smoke, or even from the dust in the air. PM is solid […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Social Engagement Analysis in Online Conversation of Indonesia Higher Education Case Study: Telkom University

Social Engagement Analysis in Online Conversation of Indonesia Higher Education Case Study: Telkom University   Author : YAHYA PARANGINANGIN; ANDRY ALAMSYAH Published on : The 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology   Abstract Facebook fan page is used by many organizations to manage its stakeholder. Telkom University manages its Facebook fan page officially […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Odometer Readings Prototype for Early Warning The Replacement Vehicle Lubricants Based on Microcontroller

Odometer Readings Prototype for Early Warning The Replacement Vehicle Lubricants Based on Microcontroller   Author : ASDI GALVANI; ANDRIAN RAKHMATSYAH; GIVA ANDRIANA MUTIARA Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015   Abstract Odometer is a tool to determine the distance of vehicle and is usually used as a determinant of […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Comparative Study of Grammatical Evolution and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System on Rainfall Forecasting in Bandung

Comparative Study of Grammatical Evolution and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System on Rainfall Forecasting in Bandung   Author : FHIRA NHITA; SHEILA ANNISA; SEKAR KINASIH; Adiwijaya Published on : ICOICT 2015   Abstract Rainfall is a very crucial weather parameter. The information on rainfall is also used for certain fields including farming, transportation, and flood early […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

An Implementation of Digital Advertising Board Using Mini PC

An Implementation of Digital Advertising Board Using Mini PC   Author : DENNY DARLIS; TENGKU AHMAD RIZA; DIDIT ADITYA PERMADI Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract Advertising were become more attractive if we can use many interactive contents. It was proven that there is ads everywhere both in print media or electronics. Also we […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015


ANALISA VISUAL IMAGE PADA APLIKASI PUSTAKA WARNA DIGITAL ???MANEKAWARNA???   Author : FAJAR CIPTANDI Published on : Seminar Nasional Strategi Indonesia Kreatif   Abstract Tekstil yang dibuat menggunakan zat warna alami memiliki keunikan pada setiap warna yang dihasilkannya. Dalam konteks karya kriya wawasan dan pengetahuan terhadap pewaraan alami seperti ini perlu senantiasa dipelihara dan dilestarikan, […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015
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