Author: ppm


PLANNING ANALYSIS ABOUT THE 900 MHZ AND 1800 MHZ LTE NETWORK ON RURAL AREA   Author : ARI SADEWA YOGAPRATAMA; UKE KURNIAWAN USMAN; TODY ARIEFIANTO WIBOWO Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract Development of LTE networks are still largely concentrated in urban areas and did not rule out some time in the future, rural […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

E-Braille: Aplikasi Elektronik Braille Menggunakan Perangkat Layar Sentuh Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Komunikasi Penyandang Tuna Netra

E-Braille: Aplikasi Elektronik Braille Menggunakan Perangkat Layar Sentuh Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Komunikasi Penyandang Tuna Netra   Author : MUHAMMAD FAUZAN; MAHMUD DWI SULISTIYO; ABDURRAHMAN JUNDULLAH Published on : SEMNASTEKNOMEDIA (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia) 2015   Abstract Dengan teknologi yang saat ini kita ketahui berkembang secara pesat, ternyata tidak semua kalangan masyarakat mampu […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem   Author : DYAH PYTHALOKA; AGUNG TOTO WIBOWO; MAHMUD DWI SULISTIYO Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract “One of the most difficult combinatorial optimization problems in recent studies is job shop scheduling. Job shop scheduling which also holds the key to the company’s profitability is […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Analysis of Complex-Valued Neural Network for Gender Recognition based on Face Image

Analysis of Complex-Valued Neural Network for Gender Recognition based on Face Image   Author : SINDI AMILIA; MAHMUD DWI SULISTIYO; RETNO NOVI DAYAWATI Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract Automatic gender recognition is an emerging problem in computer visions. An accurate gender recognition system can be used to reduce the search space in face […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Monitoring and Controlling of EMS-SCADA via SMS Gateway

Monitoring and Controlling of EMS-SCADA via SMS Gateway   Author : RINO ANDIAS A.; TATANG MULYANA Published on : IcoICT   Abstract “General manufacturing process automation system is intended for electrical energy savings. This automation is created using a SCADA system. System monitoring and control from a distance in real time can be accessed through […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Pricing Bermudan option via Evolutionary discrete morse flow approach

Pricing Bermudan option via Evolutionary discrete morse flow approach   Author : IRMA PALUPI Published on : International Conference On Information and Communication Technology   Abstract Bermudan option is an options that possible to make an early exercise as in American options. It differs from American option in only one characteristic. The option restricts the […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Detection of Ovarian Follicle for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Ultrasound Images of Ovaries

Detection of Ovarian Follicle for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Ultrasound Images of Ovaries   Author : BEDY PURNAMA; ADIWIJAYA; UNTARI NOVIA WISESTY; fhira nitha Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract In the female in their reproductive cycle, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is endocrine disorders that occurred on the adult female. In this paper, an […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Performance Improvement of Palm Vein Identity Recognition Using Adaptive Filtering and Retinex Method

Performance Improvement of Palm Vein Identity Recognition Using Adaptive Filtering and Retinex Method   Author : MUHAMMAD SHAFHI KASYFILLAH; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract Biometric is identification technology system based on feature from specific physiological or behavioral characteristic as authentication, one of it […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Analysis and Implementation Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for Authentication System Using Palm Vein

Analysis and Implementation Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for Authentication System Using Palm Vein   Author : GHOFINKA PUTRI; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; SITI SAADAH, ST. Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract Data increasing every day become trigger to theft of personal data by those who don’t responsible […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Vomma:Android Application Launcher Using Voice Command

Vomma:Android Application Launcher Using Voice Command   Author : MUSLIM SIDIQ; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; SITI SAADAH, ST. Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract Nowadays, the development of mobile devices, especially android showed increased very rapidly. These developments can be seen in the year 2014, where the android […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015
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