Author: ppm

The Utilization of Ubiquitous Learning on the Cloud-Based Open Learning to support Indonesia Open Educational Resources (I-OER)

The Utilization of Ubiquitous Learning on the Cloud-Based Open Learning to support Indonesia Open Educational Resources (I-OER)   Author : NUNGKI SELVIANDRO; GEDE AGUNG ARY WISUDIAWAN; SHINTA YULIA PUSPITASARI; Monterico Adrian Published on : International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology   Abstract Ubiquitous Learning (U-Learning) is an adaptation of a ubiquitous computing in the implementation […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Integrated Ground System Application Security System Framework

Integrated Ground System Application Security System Framework   Author : NINA HENDRARINI Published on : Global Trends in Academic Research   Abstract At this time the air transportation is needed. The number of flights due to meet the needs of the community must also be accompanied by keeping the flight performance. The situation is certainly […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

The Relation of Social Media Understanding to Way of Starting Business

The Relation of Social Media Understanding to Way of Starting Business   Author : JURRY HATAMMIMI; OSA OMAR SHARIF Published on : International Conference on Business, Management, Tourism and Hospitality 2015 (BIZMATOUR 2015) / Advanced Science Letters   Abstract One solution for unemployment is directing youth especially college student to be entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship development in […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Particle Swarm Optimization on Follicles Segmentation to Support PCOS Detection

Particle Swarm Optimization on Follicles Segmentation to Support PCOS Detection   Author : ENI SETIAWATI; ADIWIJAYA; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorders affected to female in their reproductive cycle. PCO (Polycystic Ovaries) describes ovaries that contain many small cysts/follicles. This […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

ICT Ecosystem in Open Government Data Initiative in Indonesia: Case of National Budget Transparency Initiative in Ministry of Finance

ICT Ecosystem in Open Government Data Initiative in Indonesia: Case of National Budget Transparency Initiative in Ministry of Finance   Author : MELDI RENDRA Published on : IOCICT   Abstract This paper seeks to portray efforts of Ministry of Finance in materializing its initiative of promoting national budget transparency. The efforts, influenced by governance context […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015


A STUDY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF PERMANENT LECTURERS OF MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT IN PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN BANDUNG INDONESIA   Author : FETTY POERWITA SARY Published on : 2nd International Conference on ???Global Trends in Academic Research???   Abstract “Lecturers??? performance in implementing the three responsibilities of higher education can determine the overall performance of an […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Text Data Compression for Mobile Phone Using Burrows-Wheeler Transformation, Move-To-Front Code and Arithmetic Coding

Text Data Compression for Mobile Phone Using Burrows-Wheeler Transformation, Move-To-Front Code and Arithmetic Coding   Author : EKO DARWIYANTO; HERU ANUGRAH PRATAMA; GIA SEPTIANA WULANDARI Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract Text files are still dominant to be used in many storage devices, including mobile storage device. With fixed and small memory capacity of […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Assessment of Information Security Management on Indonesian Higher Education Institutions

Assessment of Information Security Management on Indonesian Higher Education Institutions   Author : CANDIWAN; PUSPITA KENCANA SARI; NADIAILHAQ NURSHABRINA Published on : 2nd Springer International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering [Springer-ICOCOE]   Abstract Information is one of the valuable corporate???s asset and must be protected, including for higher education institutions. Many security breach had […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Analysis of Liveline Addition as The New Time Constraint and The Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First (EDELF) Algorithm in Real Time System

Analysis of Liveline Addition as The New Time Constraint and The Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First (EDELF) Algorithm in Real Time System   Author : SURYO PRANOTO U.; FAZMAH ARIF YULIANTO; ENDRO ARIYANTO Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract The conventional model of real???time system cannot solve a problem when tasks come earlier than […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015

Designing an Integrated Core Banking System for A Medium-Scale Sharia Bank in Indonesia

Designing an Integrated Core Banking System for A Medium-Scale Sharia Bank in Indonesia   Author : ARI YANUAR RIDWAN Published on : ICoICT 2015 (The 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology)   Abstract The objective of this paper is to propose the development and implementation of an integrated sharia core banking system (SCBS). […]

By ppm | Publikasi2015
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