“Leading impactful community service through research and
technology, fostering new spin-off companies for national and
global progress, while promoting cultural and environmental sustainability.”

“Menghasilkan dan mendorong tumbuhnya perusahaan-perusahaan baru (spin-off companies) yang berdampak pada peningkatan kemajuan bangsa dan dunia.”


“Menjadi agen kemajuan bangsa dan dunia serta turut serta dalam menjaga kelestarian budaya bangsa dan lingkungan dunia (sustainable development)”

A1. Research & Innovation Administration & Support office

  • Directorate of Research & Community Service (PPM)
  • Bandung Techno Park (BTP)
  • Strategic Partnership & International Office (SPIO)
  • Digital Collaboration for Sustainability (DCS)
A2. Scientific Output
  • Scince Article
  • Books
  •  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Reports
A3. Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Innovators generate new ideas, while entrepreneurs ensure these ideas are brought to market, scaled, and sustained, driving the ecosystem forward.

A4. Research & Innovation Administration & Support office
  • Internal & external funding
  • Acces to Research Infrastructure
A5. Faculty & Research Expert
  • Advancing Knowledge
  • Academic Community
  • Knowledge Transfer
A6. Students & Research Scholars
  • Research Asssitants
  • Post Graduate Students/ Under Graduation Students
A7. Center of Excellence

The forefront of innovation in specific area of expertise

A8. Hexa Helic Collaboration
  • Academician
  • Industry
  • Community
  • Government
  • Media
  • Regulation

Our Community Service Focus Area

Masyarakat Sasar

Kelompok Tidak/Belum Produktif
Masyarakat yang belum memanfaatkan teknologi secara maksimal, seperti masyarakat pedesaan, panti asuhan, kelompok ibu rumah tangga, dan komunitas remaja.

Industri dan UMKM
Badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) dan swasta, UMKM, pedagang kaki lima, serta pelaku usaha lokal, nasional, maupun internasional.

Unit Layanan Masyarakat
Layanan non-profit seperti kantor kelurahan, sekolah, koperasi pemerintah, posyandu, puskesmas, serta fasilitas publik seperti museum dan perpustakaan.

Our Activity


Program that combines the creativity to provide innovative solutions for real-world community challenges

Community Service Learning (CSL)

TWO WEEKS volunteering community service program at underdeveloped village

Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG)

Program for the community offering simple, effective, and locally-suited technology solutions

KKN Tematik

Program that involves students addressing community issues through specific, expertise-based themes


Training/Workshop/Outreach/Seminar empowers communities by sharing knowledge and enhancing skill capacity.

Desa Binaan

Village Empowerment Program by enhancing local village potential independently