Call For Proposal Indonesia Project Research Grants 2020
Offered by the ANU Indonesia Project, in collaboration with the SMERU Research Institute, the Indonesia Project Research Grants fund innovative, important and high quality research projects conducted by Indonesian researchers. The grants also encourage collaboration between Indonesian and Australian research organizations. Researchers in an Indonesian university or research institute from the following areas are encouraged to apply: (i) Trade and Industry, (ii) Politics and Governance, (iii) Agriculture, Resources and the Environment, (iv) Social Policy and Human Capital. Applicants are expected to find at least one co-applicant in an Australian university or research institute to collaborate on the project.
The research grants provide funding of $AU 5,000 to $AU 15,000 for projects of up to 12 months. The grants are intended to cover the cost of initiating new research activities, such as travel costs, field work, data collection or research assistance. The grants are not meant to cover salary costs of applicants or overhead costs by the applicant institutes.
Who can apply?
The grant is intended to support and strengthen research done by Indonesian researchers, and provide Indonesian researchers with opportunities to engage with researchers in Australia. As such partnerships of Indonesian and Australian universities and research institutes are eligible to submit proposals. The main applicant should be a senior Indonesian researcher based at the Indonesian partner institute; the co-applicant should be a researcher based at the Australian partner institute; the other-researchers can be researchers based at any partner institute.
Evaluation criteria
Proposals will be assessed on the basis of academic quality and research potential. We will give priority to proposals that show prospect for long term collaboration between Indonesian and Australian institutes and obtaining additional funding.
Proposals should specify research objectives, background, significance and innovative aspects, policy relevance, expected outcomes and deliverables, timeline and budget.
Dates and time line
Applications close on 31 March 2020. Applicants will be notified by the end of April 2020.
Proposals can be submitted to the Indonesia Project at indonesia.project@anu.edu.au
For more information please contact
Sarah Dong
Application form 2020
Sumber : https://indonesia.crawford.anu.edu.au/grants-and-fellowship/research-grants/how-apply