Dominant Factor Affecting Marketing Employee Discipline In Publishing Company
Dominant Factor Affecting Marketing Employee Discipline In Publishing Company
Author : ASTADI PANGARSO; FARADILA AGITA ASRI Published on : ICOICT(Universitas Airlangga - Surabaya Indonesia)
This research aims to determine what factors most affect marketing employees discipline at PT. Bhuana Ilmu Popular, Jakarta (BIP),Indonesia. The method used in this research is the factor analysis . Data collecting in this study conducted by distributing questionnaires to marketing employees BIP. The number of respondents who were taken in this research were 70 respondents using saturated sample technique. The variable that influence marketing employees discipline of BIP is the purpose and abilities; role model leadership; remmuneration; fairness; punishment; assertiveness and human relations. After processing the data then formed two factors . The amount of variance values generated in the process of factor analysis can be used to determine the factors that most influence the discipline of working at BIP. Percentage of variance values for employee ability factor is 54.065 % and the relationship between employees is 26.052 %. Based on the resulting variance , then the employee ability is the factors that most influence the discipline of BIP.