Contribution of Indonesian Rural Banking National for Economic Growth Year ( 2000 until 2013)

Contribution of Indonesian Rural Banking National for Economic Growth Year ( 2000 until 2013)


Published on	: Seoul International Conference on Social Sciences and Management (SICSSAM 2015) (South Korea)



“This study aims to analyze whether the distribution of bank loans granted by Bank Indonesia for the type of credit that working capital loans, investment loans and consumer loans significant impact or not either totally or respectively to the economic development of Indonesia, as well as the extent to which sensitivity or elasticity each type of credit to the Indonesian economic growth.
This study uses quantitative analysis and deskriptive (verification), in which the descriptive research will also describe the development of bank credit and the Indonesian economy by using secondary data sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and Bank Indonesia (BI) .. The variable in this study is the total provision credit, types of credit (working capital loans, investment loans and consumer loans as independent variables. while the dependent variable is economic growth (Gross Domestic Product) and the rate of economic growth. the analysis model used is a simple linear regression, multiple linear regression and elasticity. The results provide the possibility that the total credit pebankan or each type of credit can provide significant impact on economic development and the possibility of the development of this type of loan sensitivity to economic growth Indonesia.”

Keywords: Credit, Economic Growth, Economic Development, sensitivity

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