Our Center Of Excellence

Center of Excellence (CoE) adalah lembaga yang didedikasikan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan inovasi yang berfokus pada bidang tertentu, melibatkan para ahli dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. CoE didirikan untuk menciptakan teknologi baru, mendorong inovasi dengan menstimulasi kreativitas dan eksperimen, serta mengatasi tantangan-tantangan sosial


Connectivity And Convergence For Smart Living

  1. CoE Advanced Intelligent Communications (AICOMS)
  2. CoE Intelligent Sensing-IoT (IS-IoT)
  3. CoE Smart Transportation and Robotics (STAR)
  4. CoE Artificial Intelligence for Learning and Optimization (AILO)
  5. CoE Advanced ICT Infrastructure and Services (AIIS)
  6. CoE Intelligent Manufacturing and Sustainable System (IMSS)
  7. CoE Sustainable Technology and Applied Sciences RG (STAS-RG)
  8. CoE Smart City
  9. CoE Metaverse and Experience Center (MREC)
  10. CoE Telecomm Infra Project
  11. CoE Smart Electric Vehicle

Intelligent Business And Sustainable Economy

  1. CoE Sustainable Energy and Climate Change (SECC)
  2. CoE Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE)
  3. CoE Smart Tourism and Hospitality (STH)
  4. CoE Smart Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME) and Halal Ecosystem
  5. CoE Digital Intelligent Enterprise
  6. CoE Economics of Advanced Digital Technology
  7. CoE Green Technology

Digital Health, Social And Wellness

  1. CoE Human Centric Engineering (HUMIC)
  2. CoE Biomedical and Healthcare Technology
  3. CoE Policy and Technology Ethics
  4. CoE Center of Assessment and Application of Technological Innovation for Society (CAATIS)
  5. CoE Design Project and Consultancy (HASTALOKA)
  6. CoE Inspiring Digital Transformation for Social Innovation (Inspiro)
  7. CoE Professional Development and Competencies (KARSALOKA)
  8. CoE Digital Media, Culture and Humanities (DICTUM)
  9. CoE Digital Asset and Craftmanship (CIPTALOKA)
  10. CoE Ambidextrous Research Center (BEST)
  11. CoE Social Wellness and Data Analytics (CSWDA)

Our Scientific Group

Scientific Group (SG) adalah unit organisasi akademik yang mengumpulkan dosen dan peneliti yang memiliki keahlian dan minat penelitian dalam bidang studi tertentu. SG berfungsi sebagai pusat untuk pengembangan pengetahuan dan penelitian.


  1. Kelompok Keilmuan Accounting, Economics and Finance Studies
  2. Kelompok Keilmuan Technology Based Management
  3. Kelompok Keilmuan Digital Business and Entrepreneurship
  4. Kelompok Keilmuan Applied Information Technology & Multimedia
  5. Kelompok Keilmuan Human, Media & Technology
  6. Kelompok Keilmuan Environment, Sustainability & Community
  7. Kelompok Keilmuan Software Engineering and Algorithm
  8. Kelompok Keilmuan Communication and Information Technology Infrastructure
  9. Kelompok Keilmuan Business Innovation and Sustainability
  10. Kelompok Keilmuan Communication and Human Behaviour
  11. Kelompok Keilmuan Enterprise and Industrial Management System
  12. Kelompok Keilmuan Enterprise System and Technology
  13. Kelompok Keilmuan Sustainable Material, Instrumentation, Energy, and Computation
  14. Kelompok Keilmuan Processing, Information Security, and Computer Engineering
  15. Kelompok Keilmuan Intelligent Communications and Networks
  16. Kelompok Keilmuan Control, Electronics, and Intelligent System
  17. Kelompok Keilmuan Applied Digital Business, Entrepreneurship & Tourism
  18. Kelompok Keilmuan Aesthetic, Culture & Conservation
  19. Kelompok Keilmuan Data Science and Intelligent System
  20. Kelompok Keilmuan Manufacturing & Processing Engineering