The Analysis and Implementation of Aging Method on Packet Scheduling Algorithm in WIMAX Network
The Analysis and Implementation of Aging Method on Packet Scheduling Algorithm in WIMAX Network
Author : GANDEVA BAYU; I KETUT GEDE WIRYA JAYA; NIKEN DWI WAHYU CAHYANI Published on : APWiMob 2014 (Denpasar, Bali)
“People usually use high-speed internet access in wired network. WiMAX technology in this case IEEE 802.16 standard has the ability to provide high-speed wireless internet access. WiMAX technology has some standards such as IEEE 802.16d for fixed networks and the IEEE 802.16e WiMAX network for both mobile and fixed networks. There are several classes of services that must be provided in WiMAX networks, such as UGS, ertPS, ertPS, nrtPS, and BE. In order to meet the required class of service packet scheduling algorithms is needed. This article will discuss the analysis and implementation of Aging methods on WFQ algorithm on packet scheduling in WiMAX networks. This method is expected to reduce packet drop to provide quality of service QoS from five classes of service.”
Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE 802.16, QoS, Aging.