Archives for 2015

Differential Evolution for the Cryptanalysis of Transposition Cipher

Differential Evolution for the Cryptanalysis of Transposition Cipher   Author : GIA SEPTIANA WULANDARI; WAHYU RISMAWAN; SITI SA’ADAH Published on : The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology   Abstract Transposition cipher is a class of hystorical encryption algorithms that rearrange positions in plaintext based on some fixed permutation which is its secret […]

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Follicle Detection on the USG Images to Support Determination Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Follicle Detection on the USG Images to Support Determination Polycystic Ovary Syndrome   Author : ADIWIJAYA Published on : Scietech 2015   Abstract Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorders affected to female in their reproductive cycle. This has gained the attention from marriage couple which affected by infertility. One of the […]

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Mobile OCR Using Centroid to Boundary and Backpropagation Neural Network

Mobile OCR Using Centroid to Boundary and Backpropagation Neural Network   Author : BAKTI ANUGRAH YUDHA PRATAMA; TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA; KURNIAWAN NUR RAMADHANI; Febryanti Sthevanie Published on : International Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2015   Abstract In this research, the writer proposed feature extraction method using Centroid to Boundary. Centroid to Boundary […]

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(EDsHEED) Enhanced Simplified Hybrid, Energy- Efficient, Distributed Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network

(EDsHEED) Enhanced Simplified Hybrid, Energy- Efficient, Distributed Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network   Author : SIDIK PRABOWO; MAMAN ABDUROHMAN; BAYU ERFIANTO Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract “Recently, WSN (Wireless sensor Network) technology application has expanded in almost all aspects of life. This is because of their ability and ease of implementation of the […]

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Structural Similarity Analyze of Bussiness Process Model using Selective Reduce based on Petri Net

Structural Similarity Analyze of Bussiness Process Model using Selective Reduce based on Petri Net   Author : NIILA SYUKRIILAH; DANA SULISTYO KUSUMO Published on : ICoICT 2015   Abstract It is exceedingly possible for an organization to have similarities, differences, and varieties among its business processes. To coordinate and make those processes effective and efficient, […]

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Nilai Budaya HEI

Budaya Tel-U adalah HEI yang juga bertindak sebagai kunci perilaku budaya institusional di Telkom University. HEI adalah nilai mulia yang berdiri untuk harmoni, keunggulan, dan integritas


Komitmen berdasarkan prinsip kepercayaan, kebersamaan, kerjasama, saling menghormati perbedaan, keharmonisan dan keinginan untuk melakukan tindakan yang membawa kebaikan pada diri sendiri dan orang lain


Kemampuan menggunakan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap dalam menyelesaikan setiap pekerjaan dan tugas dengan kualitas terbaik untuk diri sendiri dan lingkungannya


Selalu mempertahankan sikap diri mengikuti norma dan etika yang berlaku dengan menjaga hubungan baik dengan orang lain, jujur, dapat dipercaya, independen, melakukan janji, mematuhi, dan menjunjung tinggi kebenaran

PPM Kampus Bandung

Lantai 3, Gedung Bangkit Telkom University Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu Indonesia 40257, Bandung, Indonesia
