Archives for 2014

RFID-Microcontroller based Wireless Medical Record

RFID-Microcontroller based Wireless Medical Record   Author : PORMAN PANGARIBUAN; ERWIN SUSANTO Published on : IcoICT 2014(Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel Bandung, Indonesia.)   Abstract Patient care in hospitals is very important considered by the hospital to cure the patient. It can be an alarm and medical record. In the patient’s room, we often encounter an […]

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Augmented Reality Untuk Pengembangan Game Interaktif Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

Augmented Reality Untuk Pengembangan Game Interaktif Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus   Author : REGIANA PRIANGGARA PRASETYA; GIVA ANDRIANA MUTIARA Published on : SNATI 2014(UII- Jogjakarta Indonesia)   Abstract Augmented reality, merupakan suatu teknik dimana input dari dunia nyata misalkan seperti sensor suara, gambar, atau data GPS dapat ditangkap oleh sensor input komputer baik secara langung […]

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PAPR Comparison Of OWDM and OFDM System

PAPR Comparison Of OWDM and OFDM System   Author : YUYUN SITI ROHMAH; ACHMAD ALI MUAYYADI; RINA PUDJI ASTUTI Published on : ICOICT 2014(Bandung Indonesia)   Abstract PAPR is the ratio of peak power of the signal with average power. Large PAPR value causes difficulty in the implementation of power amplifier device and higher cost […]

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Social Simulation: Individual and Organizational Dynamic in Team Learning Collaboration for Performance Improvement

Social Simulation: Individual and Organizational Dynamic in Team Learning Collaboration for Performance Improvement   Author : HERIYONO LALU Published on : The 2nd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology(Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract “Team learning known as method for performance improvement. Within team learning, there are personnel learning and knowledge collaboration […]

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Cyber Politic: Marketing Politic Transformation In Cyber Age

Cyber Politic: Marketing Politic Transformation In Cyber Age   Author : DEDI KURNIA SYAH PUTRA, S.SOS., M.IKOM Published on : GTAR2014 Bali – Global Trend in Academic Research(Pan Pasific Hotel, Bali)   Abstract As the oldest study after philosophy, communication studies currently listed as the fore front of the development of the global media environment. […]

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Solar Panel and Battery Street Light Monitoring System Using GSM Wireless Communication System

Solar Panel and Battery Street Light Monitoring System Using GSM Wireless Communication System   Author : SIMON SIREGAR; DUDDY SOEGIARTO Published on : ICOICT 2014 (Universitas Telkom – Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract The use of of single power solar system in generation of electricity for streetlights nowdays is widely used. Generally, many of this kind […]

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Model Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Limbah Kain Brokat di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) / The Model of Training Using Residual Material of Lace in Vocational School

Model Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Limbah Kain Brokat di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) / The Model of Training Using Residual Material of Lace in Vocational School   Author : CITRA PUSPITASARI Published on : The 1stInternational Conference for Arst and Arts Education on Indonesia (ICAAE) (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)   Abstract “Textile waste or residual materials which is […]

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Automatic Musical Genre Classification of Audio Using Hidden Markov Model

Automatic Musical Genre Classification of Audio Using Hidden Markov Model   Author : IMAM IKHSAN; LEDYA NOVAMIZANTI; I NYOMAN APRAZ RAMATRYANA Published on : ICoICT 2014 (Telkom University-Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel Bandung, Indonesia)   Abstract The rapid growth in audio processing has given much help in advancing the development of digital music. It encourages the […]

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“Design of an FPGA-Based OFDM-STBC Transceiver for WiMAX 802.16e Standard”

“Design of an FPGA-Based OFDM-STBC Transceiver for WiMAX 802.16e Standard”   Author : SUGONDO HADIYOSO; RINA PUDJI ASTUTI; ISWAHYUDI HIDAYAT Published on : ICOICT 2014 (Universitas Telkom-Hotel Panghegar Bandung)   Abstract “One of the wireless communication technologies, especially Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) is Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX). WiMAX communication system tend to use […]

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Analysis of “Drama Theory” In the Bankruptcy Scenario of the Largest Indonesia Cellular Telecommunication Business

Analysis of “Drama Theory” In the Bankruptcy Scenario of the Largest Indonesia Cellular Telecommunication Business   Author : DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA; ARIF PARTONO PRASETIO Published on : Journal of Asian Economics (Elsevier)   Abstract This study presents analysis of “drama theory” in the bankruptcy scenario of PT TX. The drama is divided into 3 phases. […]

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