Analysis of Liveline Addition as The New Time Constraint and The Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First (EDELF) Algorithm in Real Time System

Analysis of Liveline Addition as The New Time Constraint and The Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First (EDELF) Algorithm in Real Time System


Published on	: ICoICT 2015



The conventional model of real???time system cannot solve a problem when tasks come earlier than their earliest response time. Fazmah Arif Yulianto solved this problem by purposing a different model which has liveline as new time constraint. This new algorithm is called Earliest Deadline Earliest Liveline First-Fazmah (EDELF-F) which is developed based on EDF-DM algorithm. Then to determine the ability of the algorithm, the comparison between EDELF-F with conventional algorithms EDF (Earliest Deadline First) was performed with 3 scenarios: period > deadline, period = deadline and period < deadline for 10 tasks. EDELF-F algorithm has a weakness in order to satisfy task's period. A modification EDELF (called EDELF-S) which is developed based on EDF-C algorithm has been proposed to eliminate it. This EDELF-S has better response time and feasibility and also can solve the problem related to earliest response time. EDELF can solve every case which can be solved by EDF but not vice versa. EDELF also has a better feasibility than EDF.

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