LIBIDONOMIC MEDIA Critique on Conglomeration and Mass Media Racism

LIBIDONOMIC MEDIA Critique on Conglomeration and Mass Media Racism


Published on	: SOSEIC 2015



“Libidonomic is the antithesis of the function of mass media as a medium to educate, Indonesia and its the diversity has reached critical moral phase, especially fair space of pornography in real time. In which the mass media gripping strongly moral value through impressions unproductive count impressions (read: pornography). Libidonomic having viscous economic interests without intake morality production. Meanwhile, media conglomeration and racism is classical study that is pulled to discussed again, absolutely as renewal of thought. The concept of media racism looked at the mass media as ideology battlefield, in it happened contention grade between ruling class and subordinate class. This chaos is who bore racist of media ideology. In this abstract, conglomeration is described as the top of the chaos, conglomeration is media action and cooptation at all space. In which the ruler of elite media force the subordinate class to received media content that is loaded the interests of ruling class. Borrow understanding from Stuart Hall through his writing The Whites Of Their Eyes; Racist Ideologies and the Media; Racist Ideologies and The Media (1932). Hall expressed analysis from the practice of the media based on the perspective of the Marx-Cultural theory, namely by expressing the autonomy of the mass media and replace the concept of hegemony from Gramsci and Althusser who looked at the media as ideological state apparatus. Politically, this sort paper dissected the assumption that the mass media brought the negative effects for the public. Especially, morality impact to the public itself. With the constructivism paradigm, this paper sees the reality of the product of mass media as the parts which it is not separated from economic practices.

Word Order: Libidonomic, Media Racism, Media Conglomeration.”

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