Brand Personality Influence Toward Buying Intention ??? The Case of ???Converse??? from Students??? Perception in Bandung

Brand Personality Influence Toward Buying Intention ??? The Case of ???Converse??? from Students??? Perception in Bandung


Author		: R. NURAFNI RUBIYANTI; Nur Iqbal
Published on	: Emerging Trends in Academic Research (ETAR) 2014 (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)



Nowadays consumers view products and brands as being more than functional. People express themselves through the brands they consume. Converse shoes have become a top of mind school shoes among student until 2013 from the survey conducted by Frontier consulting group. The survey shows that there is high interest in buying converse shoes among student. Congruence between brand and self is seen as critical, and individuals will largely opt for those brands which can best reflect their self-concept. This study aims to explain the influence of brand personality towards intention to buy. More specifically, this study focuses on the case of Converse shoes on the perspective of students. The research involved brand personality dimensions review of the available literature on influencing consumer intention to buy. For data collection, 400 students in several high schools and universities in Bandung had been chosen by convenience sampling. The research questionnaire was derived based on the brand personality dimensions. Data analysis results, using multiple linear regression analysis, showed that customers??? buying intention is positively influenced by sincerity, excitement, competence, and sophistication. However ruggedness has negative impact on customer intention to buy. Limitation of this research relate to the use of mom-probability sample and conducted only in several high school and university in Bandung area. Considering that Converse brand is very popular high school and university students, this study contributes to the academic body of knowledge by examining consumers??? perception about converse brand personality and this influence on buying intention. By testing existing knowledge in a new concept, the paper makes incremental contribution to the knowledge on brand personality, a provides insights for practitioners.

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