Communication Actions in Democracy Deliberative Research

Communication Actions in Democracy Deliberative Research


Published on	: Emerging Trend in Academic Research (ETAR2014) (ASTON DENPASAR HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER Bali Indonesia)



Nature has placed mankind under the reign of the two sovereign powers: suffering and pleasure. Nature has indicated what we should do, and determine what will we do then (Bentham, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation). The two sovereign powers between pleasure and pain, a distinctive blend of show climate governance democracy Indonesia at this moment. Communication, participation contributes to climate vibration of democracy. Jurgen Habermas, for what he termed the Communication action is a collective Community Builder in the democratic era of multiculturalism. Review of romanticism, as quoting Henry Schamandt in the History of Political Philosophy (1990) explain the existence of his the reality bias of suffering into the illusion of building pleasure. Romanticisme delivers true space arguing that democracy is the best political system for a country, but the fundamental question is whether the democracy building an illusion or reality. The communicative democracy always brings a blaze which is much different from the reality. Poverty appears to be visible, be transferred into a fertile country, abundant natural results, and optimism towards the rational development. It feels, articulation of messages and contectuality convened its own romanticism for the public. So, this short abstract wants to unravel the role of Communications in deliberative democracy climate of Indonesia. This writing, trying to describe more about the deliberative democracy in romanticism from the perspective of communication studies through a qualitative approach, the conceptual literature and researchers stand as a constructivist.

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